Thursday, March 13, 2008

Just a few pictures

Back home

Through the branches

Rainforest tangle in miniature




A little paradox


Maybe tomorrow I will open up

Two is company, and three is crowd, ain't that what they say?

Hiding behind you

Picture quality is kinda low. Blame that on my pathetic 2MP phone. I was too lazy to go back downstairs from the rooftop and bring the cam.

post signature


Clark Kent said...

hey...nice oics...just too rejuvinating...khaaskar tab..when you u want smethin' really "life like' after toiling urself with those freaky bio diagrams.....n i don't think..MP matters here...n those pics between the tags 'back home ' n 'through the branches' u give them as wallpapered views??..

I must say that the postscripts after each pic are just great....

nature always cheers us up, rite na?

Anonymous said...

Nice, pretty good for a 2 megapixel camera trust me. You should see the pictures I take, sar pair kuch pata nahi chalta.

My personal fave has to be the buoyancy one, just..there's something about it.

I guess this is the picture taking month/nature appreciation month then, everybody's doing that!

Sherry said...

@abhi :

Thanks :) all the best for can email me about the ones you want as wallpapers, but I have them only in a small size..or you can just view the pic through the post in full view, and save it. I wouldn't mind. Not these pics, at least :)


Thanks! :) Yeah, Buoyancy one has a certain character of its own.
Everybody's doing that? Cool. I'd like to have a look. Who would you give me the link to?

The Keeper of the Keys said...

lovely pics..great flowers..thank god for spring...
brilliant titles!
i can never think up proper names for my have a knack for them.. have a sweet william in your garden. Man!! can i come over?

Anonymous said...

R those Cloudy Pics from ur ROOf top,, then i guess u can jst relax and enjoy ur life in rooftop only:)

Sherry said...


Thanks a lot, Nidhi, also for blogrolling me. :) Captions...yeah...sometimes it just strikes as soon as I look at a pic...and then I just has to be that. can come over! And you could teach me fizix in between admiring the flowers :P :D


yeah the pics are from the rooftop...but the word "relaxation" sounds so sinful these days!

Anonymous said...

The one who's link I was gonna give has already commented here. And she wants to come over to your place because you have a sweet william in your garden. :P

The Keeper of the Keys said...

@ish-- hmph. sweet williams are the second sweetest flowers on earth. ref last pic. second to sweet peas, btw.

@sanyukta--ya, i got spring pics on my blog. forgot to mention it over all the excitement abt sweet williams.

Sherry said...


I'd guessed that :)


I checked ur blog, but pics didn't load. Will come back to it.

Anonymous said...

The pics didn't open? It was a slideshow, must've been your connection. I guess you could ask Nids to tell you about her Flickr account and check that out instead.

birdy said...

Dont tell me that you have flowers that procrastinate !!! must be induction

Sherry said...


Yeah, she gave me the flickr link.


Flowers procrastinate?? LOL, yeah. I know what you mean. :D :P
Must be induction.

Reema said...

Nice pics for 2MP camera! You have beautiful flowers at your home.