Thursday, December 21, 2006


Might as well admit it, I screwed up the exam. And the result's gonna screw me up. To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Yeah right.

And the saddest part is that I knew everything that was asked in the paper. That is, until I began to get my pen doing it. And then I went blank. Can't believe it, I JUST BLOODY HELL WENT BLANK.
Did not panic at once. Breathed deep; once, twice.
And then panicked.

Dear Father in Heaven, why did you choose this day only for Sherry's-First-Ever-Experience-Of-Going-Blank-In-The-Exam. I mean, such a momentous event could have waited, couldn't it?


Arti Honrao said...

Oops!! I read this post after commenting on ur practical application one!
aww >:D<
going blank was sad thing to happen :-s

Waise I still feel u gonna get good marks :D

Ur Di

Sherry said...

thanks di.
i wish so too!